Nuclear Test Dbq

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Military leaders like to try and find the balance for all those who vow to defend and protect. It is not always possible, but they strive to find a common balance between, work and rest and relaxation (R&R). On one particular spring day that very technique was a major factor in one of the United States top ten intelligence failures, The Indian Nuclear Test. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) missed valuable indications and warnings leading up to this intelligence failure. Many believe that the CIA played a pivotal role in the events that took place on 11 and 13 May 1998. The Intelligence Community (IC) felt that India’s nuclear test were not easy to detect, therefore leading to their failure to provide warnings. (Document 39) India carried out these tests in the remote, “That Desert” on two different days. The first day consisted of three tests, the final two occurred two days later. A thermonuclear warhead, a large fission bomb, and a low-yield device, set off simultaneously at two sites were among those that were tested. Both days CIA was unaware of India's plans and completely caught off guard. (Bagla, 1998) One would think that after such oversight surrounding the day one test, measures would have been in place immediately, preventing a second unexpected test. Reports have…show more content…
An agreement on whether or not to eliminate nuclear weapons was attempted during both mutli- and bi- lateral negotiations. (Chakrapani, 1998) In a speech given afterwards on India’s behalf it was noted that this event was, “essential for ensuring a credible nuclear deterrent for India’s national security in the foreseeable future.” (Indurthy, 2002) Immediately after learning of the nuclear tests, President Bill Clinton, United States Commander in Chief at the time, placed sanctions on India. Much of the financial support they received from the United States was lost. (Indurthy,

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