Northern Downpour Poetic Devices

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Panic! at the Disco frontman Brendon Urie’s melodious vocals glisten in the listener’s ears as he opens up “Northern Downpour” with a soft tone. As stated by former Panic! guitarist, backup vocalist, and songwriter Ryan Ross, the song is about “touring and girlfriends and love and everything that's been important to us in the past few years (Northern Downpour by Panic! at the Disco Songfacts).” However, if the listener dives even further into the song, a serious and meaningful message will be found. Furthermore, lines such as “diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me” and “northern downpour sends its love” communicate the message of the emotional toll that comes with fame and the meaninglessness of fame, fortune, and possessions.…show more content…
Along with the rhyme, sound devices such as alliteration, assonance, consonance, and repetition contribute a rhythmic and poetic sense to the song. In “Northern Downpour,” alliteration is a heavily used sound device. For example, in line eight, Urie croons “In storms of fabled foreign tongues,” the words fabled and foreign adding the sense of alliteration to the piece. Another example finds its place in line eleven, “Hey moon, please forget to fall down,” the alliterate words being forget and fall. Another sound device that finds itself throughout this song is assonance. Examples include line three, “Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea,” words such as we, feed, and sea all include a long E sound and add to the flow of the song. Another example can be found within line twenty three, “Unraveled words like moths upon old scarves,” the words moths and upon both exemplify a short O sound. Additionally, consonance is used sparsely: the only examples are included in lines five and seventeen. In line five, “Just like broken glass to me,” the words like and broken both contain a sharp K sound that contributes a somewhat rough sound to the song; the K sound disrupts the soft sounds used throughout the first stanza. In line seventeen, the listener will find a similar situation as line five, Brendon Urie cantillates “Look back at both…show more content…
In lines four and five, diamonds are compared to broken glass, this summarizes the song quite well as it displays Panic!’s opinion on possessions and the unimportance of them. One metaphor can be found in line twenty four as the band compares the world to a broken bone. Furthermore, this line’s meaning is that the world is terrible and there are many harrowing characteristics, which strongly ties into the song’s overall message. In addition, personification is heavily used, with examples appearing in line three, among others. Line three finds Urie’s mellifluous voice singing “Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea.” Again, this line exemplifies the song’s message by saying people should throw away all of our valuables (jewelry), simply because they are irrelevant and contribute very little to the overall aspect of life. Also, allusion makes itself known in line twenty, “You clicked your heels and wished for me.” This line clearly alludes to Dorothy’s red shoes from The Wizard of Oz, and in the line, the romantic portion of the song is demonstrated. Figurative devices are essential in this song so the message can be conveyed due to the abstractness of the

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