For as long as I can remember, I have always had a strong passion for fashion. Since I was the age of three, one of my favorite activities was to play dress up. I could play dress up for hours upon hours, and having play dates with my neighbors. I would create a fashion show for my parents, and have my friends strut down the catwalk to model my outfits that I had put together. Being able to put outfits together and getting the choice to selfdress myself was a privilege I truly valued. To me fashion is much more than what brand you wear or who your favorite designer is. Fashion is about getting the opportunity to express yourself. The type of fabric used to make the clothing, the intricate detail the designer used, and creating your own style to identify who you are. For these reasons…show more content… I first discovered the Nordstrom Fashion Ambassador Board Program when I browsing through my teen vogue magazine. I had seen an ad and it really intrigued me so I went to Nordstrom’s website to learn more. As I was scrolling through I noticed I had just missed the deadline by a couple of days. I was so upset but as I continued to read I learned that I could apply for the following year. Before I knew it, the time to apply was just around the corner! I read all the requirements needed to apply for the program and began my process! First I needed to get teacher recommendation letters, so I printed those out, and proceeded to ask three of my desired teachers. Next I was required to give my high school transcript, therefore I proceeded to ask my counselor if she could print it out for me. Finally I had to start my project, a poster, that represented me