Nordstrom Customer Service

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Huan Qi Business 111 Instructor: F. Steve Fialho 08/30/2015 Why is customer service important? I am really glad I can take the customer services class in the summer class. The customer service and the management of customer service are really important for the company and customer. Maybe people will ask one question, why is customer service important? There are several reasons can explain on it. In order to maintaining great customer relationship and growing a successful business, the customer service is the most important key. If a business want to stay connected with their customers, the customer service can really help you and allow you to receive many valuable feedbacks. Otherwise, all of those companies fail to connect with their “God”. In business world, everything starts with the customer. If the business wants the customer satisfied, they have to study customer service. In the other words, without customers service, the customer Therefore, if the company can’t…show more content…
There are Macy’s, JC Penny and Nordstrom. Which one you think I will choose, I definitely choose Nordstrom. If you want to ask me why, the answer is Nordstrom has the best customer services in those three famous malls. Nordstrom has a slogan, it is free shipping and free returns all the time. If I want to return one item, I just return my tuff and they even do not ask the reason. One of their employees told me, they met one customer who returns his shoes, which bought three year ago. Another example is another reason why I love Nordstrom so much. One time, I bought the beauty product form their online website. All of their beauty orders have three free simple for their customer, but I forget choose it, then I use their online chat service and told them I want them add those three simple for me, they just talk really nice with me and then order separately for me. Therefore, I really like spending time and shopping in

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