Nirvana Buddhism

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Buddhism is one of the oldest religions in the world and it has been centered in the eastern world. Siddhartha Gautama an Indian prince founded Buddhism 520 BCE in northeastern India. It is the fourth largest world religion and the name Buddhism means the system taught by Buddha. There are different forms of Buddhism but they all share the respect for the teachings of Buddha. Such as some emphasize on the religious rituals and the worship of deities, and others focus on a rejection of both rituals and deities in support of pure meditation. Some of the sacred text of Buddhism is the Pali Cannon and numerous Mahayana sutras. The original language is Pali and their spiritual leader is the Monk. The main teachings of Buddha are the Four…show more content…
There were only five people at the first sermon which was held in the city of Benares. He further clarified their meaning in many successive teachings. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism are suffering exists, suffering arises from attachment to desires, suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases and freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the eightfold path. The Four Noble Truths lead you to Nirvana. Nirvana is a state described by Buddha in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self and the subject is released from the effects of destiny and the cycle of the death and rebirth. Then there is the eightfold path and it is one of the principle teachings of Buddha. It is described as the way leading to the cessation of suffering and the achievement of self-awakening. It is used to develop vision into the true nature of phenomena, and to eliminate greed, hatred, and misunderstanding. The eightfold path is also known as the fourth of the four Noble Truths. The first component of the eightfold path is to understand the four noble truths. All eight of the elements begin with the word right and the denote achievement, togetherness, and consistency. The eight elements are: understanding, intent, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration. They can also suggest the senses of perfect or ideal. The dharma wheel often represents the eightfold path; its eight spokes represent the right elements of the
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