Nihar Shanti Amla Case Study

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The example mentioned of the IBM proved a brand image building through corporate social responsibility. The other example of creating a positive brand image is of Marico. The Marico’s product Shanti Amla oil is the choice of lot of people and this has become a fastest selling oil brand due to the long term corporate social responsibility initiative i.e. commitment for the children education in our country. The company named the product “Nihar Shanti Amla” that means a humanity approach towards the society. This approach to help the society made the customers appealing and that made the brand popular. Through the campaign of education for long term, the company decided to donate 5 % of the profit for the education purpose. There are many children who are too far from the education and its happiness .The company worked in education sector and make the future generation educated. The program created a positive image for the company as they working for a good reason and made the customers feel…show more content…
This made the consumers aware of the product as well as creates a feeling of satisfaction within the consumers that they are donating for a good cause. This created a positive brand image for the company. Attract, Retain And Motivate Employees: In the company the employees are the heart of the company, the quality workforce will lead the company to a greater extend with their innovative ideas and hard work. The CSR plays an important role in the employees engagement in the companies.Many of the surveys have proved in their study that employees choice is for those companies ,those are committed to the corporate social responsibility and environment concerns. The employees of the new generation needs a change in their which will create a enthusiastic environment at workplace and gives them pleasure. The CSR gives them change and happiness at workplace. The CSR program started by the

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