Nigga Research Paper

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Derogatory terms have been used for centuries in society. Think about all the times, the term “ghetto” and “chinks” have been used in our everyday lives. We have become numb to these words that we don’t think twice about it. This can lead to problems, such as when and how those words are acceptable to be used. Nowadays, the most controversial word being used is “nigga”. The origin of this word has been forgotten and instead used as everyday slang with no meaning. There is no reason for this to be used in modern context. The term “nigga” isn’t just an empty word, it’s a racial slur. It has so much empowerment and meaning to the word because this word has shaded an entire race. Using the ‘n’ word without context is immoral because you’re contributing to the discrimination, and the passing on of a dark underlying message. Many people use this word because of a growing bandwagon in the United States. The word is seen in the media, internet, and even in songs. People have adopted this term as just an empty word. For example, in Q-tip’s “Sucka Nigga”:”Yo, I start to flinch as I try not to say it, but my lips is like the ooh-wap as I start to spray it.”…show more content…
This term originated from the word “nigger” which was used when black people were looked down upon, segregated, and used as slaves. “Nigger” eventually evolved from “negro” which basically just meant a black person. Back then, there used to be series of lynching and unfair treatment toward black people. America has a dark past that is looked past upon and disregarded. Despite, America having gone through black civil movements, emphasis on black history month, and the trend “#BlackLivesMatter” there will still be ignorance. There is numerous negative stereotypes and branding of black people in the United States. They’ve been dehumanized to represent “danger” and “bad” in our

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