Nestle Marketing Strategy

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In Romania Nestle started their activity in July 1995 having at first only 6 employees. These ones had the main role of selling, products which were imported, cereals, coffee, baby food and instant soup and spices. In year 2000 the brand Joe Inc. Timisoara was bought, this being a good move, as Joe brand was the leader in wafers sells in Romania. With this acquisition and the company expanded also its production in Romania. Currently the wafers and products produced by Timisoara factory are exported in 12 countries from Europe and Middle Orient. The production of the factory is over 90 million wafers and with only 440 employees. In present Nestle Romania has over 1000 employees in its main headquarters from Bucharest and Timisoara and is one…show more content…
Of course most of the products which are sold emphasize on the taste and on the fact that a connection with the consumer is established. 3.1.2. Nestle Romania Marketing Mix When studying the marketing mix of Nestle Romania we will refer at the four P which are representative for one of the strong FMCG Company in the world. Also this Marketing Mix will show that nestle has a strong product line which boost its marketing mix. The 4P are as follow: 1. Products – represented also in Romania by the four Nestle business units which are used to manage different food products: 1.1. Beverages – in here Nescafe brings the most sales as is one of the most well sold brand in Romania. Also in Romania this division launched Nestea which is a very well product to tea consumers. Nestle Romania is importing Nescafe and Nestea through its network of distribution; 1.2. Milk and Milk products – in products part I presented quite of products which are related to milk. Even if its cereals, morning biscuits and waffles Nestle International produces a lot of products related with…show more content…
Placement – Nestle follows the FMCG strategy of distribution which involves breaking the distribution chain. The form of the typical Nestle distribution chain has the following forms: 3.1. Manufacturing -> C & F Agent -> Distributor -> Retailer -> Consumer; 3.2. Manufacturing -> Bulk Buyers -> Consumer. This are two typical forms that Nestle Romania has when it comes to distribution of products but these are not the only forms when talking about nestle because we know that in Romania Nestle products can be found everywhere. 4. Promotions – Nescafe Romania products benefit from various promotions which are used to make its product known on the market. As Nestle products try to cover food markets they are creating special promotions and also special materials for each of their product. In Romania we all know: Lion Commercial, Nescafe coffee promotions but also when there is a promotion at coffee we tend to know about it. Most of all we know that the campaign made by Nestle had brought benefits as now Nestle Romania products are found everywhere and also we know that people are satisfied by their quality on the market. I myself am a consumer of Nestle Fitness cereals which I

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