Neolithic Turning Point

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The Neolithic Revolution was a major turning point in history. This point in time marks the place of who and where we are in life today, as humans. We started out as monkeys and went through a process, through civilization that made us humans today. During the Neolithic Era, people lived in about 8,000 to 10,000 BCE. That was a very long time ago, which started the long process! The Neolithic Era changed the way we, people, lived in the world. The Neolithic Era started out with two fairly simple groups that made a big impact. For example, it started with the men hunting. The goal of them hunting was so that they were to hunt for food and other merchandise that would keep them alive and healthy. The women were known for gathering and…show more content…
They settled along the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, [Yellow], and the Indus Rivers. When a river would overflow, it would bring a kind of dirt, soil called silt. Silt was good for the crops. It kept the crops healthy, which is what people wanted for their property. People settled all over the world. For instance, “Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and India.” []. Settling all over the world was very important, because people needed really healthy land in order to create crops that would be useful for many important things, such as trade. The Neolithic Era is known as the New Stone Age. The Paleolithic Era is known as the Old Stone Age. The Neolithic Era occurred around 8,000-10,000 years ago. During this time period, wheels and sails were invented. These inventions helped people get from one place to another. People needed to do a lot of traveling for trade. So to these people, this invention was really helpful. People would trade their most prized possession for money or something else they needed by a dock or a river close…show more content…
The people that lived in this time period were in the slow process of becoming humans. The Paleolithic environment started with developing simple stone tools. We were in the slow process of becoming humans. We were still called nomadic and continued to hunt for food and other merchandise that would be useful for the people and/or their crops. At the beginning of the Paleolithic Era, people were called hominids. These people lived about four and a half million years ago. At this point we were short in height. We than went into the process of Homo erectus which lived about one and a half million years ago. We discovered fire and started speaking around 500,000 years ago. Then we were at the point of becoming fully grown humans. We started to travel in groups. We travelled in family groups and many others. We started religion, cave art, and burial of the dead which was very important for
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