Nellie Bly: Two Influential People In The Media Industry

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Certainly, journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were both two influential people in the media industry. Another significant individual who has helped shape the media is Nellie Bly. Bly was a pioneer investigative journalist; she has been often undercover during her investigations. Bly being undercover caused her to get “lock up in a lunatic asylum” (Harrower 6). In the undercover investigation of “child-labor abuses and, in famous publicity stunt” she traveled around the world in 72 days (Harrower 6). Bly was named in the top five of legendary journalist that every reporter should know. Naturally, the newspaper industry has changed over time. One major way the industry have changed is by technology. The internet is a commonly used source society is able to access in order to receive information the news. In 2012, the article “The newspaper industry must change, or become yesterday’s news” spoke about new technology and how it is transforming into the news (Elgan 2012). Although technology allows us to read the news online, most readers are not actually reading the articles. With online news the average person is more likely to scan through the article, and not remember the context they read. Elgan…show more content…
Readers are able view social media pages in order to stay updated on the latest news. Due to readers having this access a lot of children, teenagers, and adults randomly stumbling across the news. For those who own either a smartphone or a tablet they can download a news app; this is significant for those who do not like to read long articles. The apps give a snippet of an event that has recently occurred. Although they are not getting the entire store, it is beneficial to have the app for reference. With the app you are able to search that event on your phone, and it will take you to the full article. Therefore, technology has a huge impact on how the news is spread around the

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