Narrative Story On Paddle Boating

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It was a steamy hot June day; we ran out of things to do. The idea of the moment was to paddle boating we would had never imagined the ride by that raging river on that special day. We learned so quickly the mistake it really was. It was a beautiful Iowa June day. We just got back from tubing down the newly calm river. My parents went to our house to cook dinner for people. My cousin and I were so bored we were ready to watch paint dry, so we thought we could take the paddle boat downstream and swim around in a deeper spot. We pushed the paddle boat in the water and jumped in as, paddled quickly downstream to a sandbar. We quickly saw what looked like a log across the entire river when suddenly we jumped over a rapid. That washed in from a flood previous to that day. A minute late another rapid and another and another suddenly we were being tossed around like we were bugs in the vacuum. We realized we were going into faster and faster downstream. I turned us around to paddle as hard as I could my cousin did too, but we…show more content…
I couldn’t face letting the boat wash away so, we stuck with it Figuring the water would calm soon. My cousin had suggested getting off in the 50 feet of the calm water by the sandbar that lined part of the property, but the recent high water turned the sand to quick sand. I responded with a quick no and said we will get to a better spot. With no chance there we continued down stream. I could feel my nerves tense as the sound in the distance grew louder and louder. I got the feeling of much stronger rapids. Then that narrow stream ahead could end the ride with having to climb for our lives up the steep moist unsable bank above. We made the choice to continue ahead with the highest chance of staying a float would be staying in the floating

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