My Favourite Museum

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Museums have been around for many years, and over time people have witnessed various developments in the way they are constructed. However, museums today still serve the same purpose, which is: to conserve, to educate, and to entertain. As Amy Davidson said (2016), “there are moments when one feels a desperate gratitude for museums, whatever their own ambiguous histories. Their objects from lost cities lead us back to who we are.” A museum holds the identity of the people, and their history, it is important for us to appreciate them. For this paper I chose to write about my personal favorite museum, it is also the largest museum in London: the Victoria & Albert museum. I will discuss the history of the museum as well as its purpose and role in today’s society. The Victoria and Albert Museum is located in central London, United Kingdom at Cromwell Road. The museums original inspiration originated from a manufactured goods show that took place in Paris. In 1851 Henry Cole, an English civil servant and inventor organized the same exhibition in Hyde Park with the support of Prince Albert. The exhibition was called the ‘Great Exhibition’, and its purpose was to inform people about the development of…show more content…
The current director of the museum is Martin Roth and he made sure to make study rooms, tours, activities, and lectures available for whoever is eager to learn(cite). There are also lectures and courses offered at the museum about different art periods that are displayed all around the galleries; there are also workshops for children, adults, and even families. Examples of interesting courses and workshops would include digital paper jewelry, black and white photography, handling museum objects, and photographing museum objects. The museum also has courses for teachers; they encourage school visits and organize tours depending on the age group that

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