My Antonia Character Analysis

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In the book My Ántonia, it is debated whether Jim or Ántonia learned the most through their relationship. Both learned a lot about each other and about friendship. Both learned about patience and forgiving. Although they both learned a lot Jim learned the most through their relationship. Jim learned more because he was affected by her fearlessness, independence, and strength, he learns the way the immigrants from Bohemia live, and she was a symbol of his adventure in childhood and his past. Jim learns more through his relationship with Ántonia because he is affected by her fearlessness, independence, and strength. Ántonia was fearless, coming to a new country with her family and learning a new language. She was independent by…show more content…
When Ántonia moved from Bohemia she made an effort to learn English. Jim taught her and observed her and her family's behavior. Ántonia's mother cooked food differently, and she would even put cooked food into pillows and feathers to keep them warm for later. She also offered Jim's grandmother some of her dried mushrooms from Bohemia for her cooking. They were very poor and doing their best to get by even if it meant killing and eating prairie dogs and eating bruised and old potatoes. "We get from Mr. Bushy at post office- what he throw out. We got no potatoes Mrs. Burden," Ántonia admitted to Jim's grandmother. Jim learned more through his relationship with Ántonia because she was a symbol of his adventure in childhood and his past. One of his best memories was when he first impressed Ántonia by protecting her and killing a rattlesnake. Her reaction was the reason he felt more of a man. "I never know you was so brave is just like big mans!" Ántonia had gushed. When he was told to teach her, and when she asked him to continue, he felt a responsibility he'd never have felt

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