Mr. Patton's Dilemma

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On this date worker made an unannounced visit to the residence of Mr. Jessie Patton, for the purpose of making first victim contact. When worker arrived, the door was opened. Worker announced her presences before entering the home. a black man and white woman lying was in the living room floor. Worker asked the black man if he was Mr. Jessie Patton, he replied "in the bedroom." Mr. Patton started "I'm Mr. Patton." He walked out of the bedroom bedside the living room. The door to the bedroom was opened and worker noticed a white female lying in the bed. When Mr. Patton entered, the living room worker introduced herself and asked if there was somewhere, she could speak with Mr. Patton privately. At this time, the male that was lying in the floor…show more content…
Patton stated he lived at the trailer with Lee Ann and her son, Isiah and Isiah's girlfriend. When questioned about being in the home alone for days without food Mr. Patton stated "they do that all the time." However, Mr. Patton denied ever giving anyone in the home money. He receives assistance with food and transportation from his neighbor, Paula Holidays 1-205-265-0139. When questioned about leaving the home, Mr. Patton stated, an application to the Cordova Apartments was filed about 1 1/2 weeks ago and he is waiting on a reply. According to Mr. Patton, he takes medication for high blood pressure, insulin, and eye drops. He did not know his primary doctor name but stated "Some doctor in Sipsey." Health issues include high blood pressure, diabetes, and legally blind. After interview, worker asked Mr. Patton if Ms. Leigh A Mcelrath was home. He stated, "Her name is Lee Ann and she is in the back bedroom." Worker called out for Ms. Mcelrath and a man walked into the trailer from the back door and asked worker what was going on. Worker introduced herself and learned this man was Mr. Patton's nephew Carlos Patmon. According to Mr. Patmon he lives at this residence sometimes and Mr. Patton needs assistance with his care because he is blind. When worker questioned Mr. Patmon about Ms. Mcelrath current whereabouts, he stated, "She

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