Motifs In Albom's Five People You Meet In Heaven

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Many famous authors use motifs in their writing. Whether it would be in their books, short stories, chronicles, or fairytales. Albom is a perfect example of mimicking this statement. The Five People You Meet in Heaven illustrates great motifs. The motifs that he characterizes in the book contain generosity, birthdays, and dedication. Generosity is not one thing that many people behold. It is something that is given to people, and most of the time is a gift. Eddie is one of the people who express it well. An example of generosity would be when he was nice to the kids, and made them pipe cleaner animals, and gave them candy at Ruby Pier. Another example of generosity would be when Eddie washed Tala with the stones. That portrays generosity because…show more content…
Happiness? Gifts? Family? Love? Eddie does not think about those kind of things. Eddie thinks about loss, sorrow, grief, and depression. Eddie’s 17th birthday, his brother Joe, tells his mother that Eddie met a girl and says he is going to marry her one day, Eddie, getting mad at Joe for embarrassing him, punches him in the arm multiple times. They eventually made up, and danced jokingly like he did with Marguerite. On Eddie’s 39th birthday, his wife, Marguerite, was in a car accident, and is bedridden, but eventually healed. For Eddie’s 24th birthday, he spends it in the hospital with his father, Joe, Marguerite, Mickey Shea, and his mother. They sing happy birthday to him, but then he sees his father across the room, staring down at the windowsill, which causes Eddie to have to hold back his tears. Eddie has went through a lot on many of his birthdays. That is something that does not cross one's mind when they think of birthdays. Beginning with Eddie’s 51st birthday, he spent it alone, with no celebration, no guests, nothing. Just his normal daily routine. Now let’s talk about Eddie’s…show more content…
What Eddie did in reference to his mother is a sign of dedication, because of the fact that he was not required, or being pushed to help out his mother. He took every day, while he worked there, when he very well could have been going out during the day and doing his own tasks, and dedicated it to help his mother, which was, in return, indirectly leads to his death. If Eddie had not volunteered to take care of his mother, he would not be fixing the cable of the free fall, and the man would not have dropped to key, and Eddie would not have been crushed and killed, trying to save the little girl. Also, when Eddie was in the war, and taken as prisoner with he, and four other men, he noticed that The Crazy Three were trying to juggle rocks. Eddie knew how to juggle and decided to use his juggling skills as a tactic to help him and the other men to shoot down the men and escape. That is dedication to the army, himself, and the other men held prisoner with him. Eddie thought of a unique way to get the guards attention away from the men, and focused on him, taking risk of being shot by the men for being out of line. If one is a prisoner, the guards normally want them to do exactly what they say, not get out of line and eavesdrop on their conversation. The guards very well could have shot him, or punished him for juggling, but instead, they were

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