Jerusalema Vs Safe House Essay

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Patrick Carroll Both modern Hollywood films, Safe House and Gangster’s Paradise: Jerusalema, take place in the country of South Africa. Although the two films take place in South Africa, they depict two completely different societal settings. The filming of Safe House took place in Cape Town, the second most populated city in South Africa, and is regarded as the economic and cultural center of the Cape Colonies. Last year, it was voted by the New York Times as one of the best places in the world to visit, and is also considered one of the most culturally diverse places in the world. On the other end of the spectrum, Gangster’s PAradise: Jerusalema takes place in Soweto, which is a slum of Johannesburg the most populated city in South Africa. Plagued by many civil wars and in its early history, Soweto is home to the most populous black urban area in the country of South Africa. The two films differ on many levels and have many contrasting themes. Safe house is an American made Thriller starring Hollywood movie stars Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. Gangster’s Paradise: Jerusalema is a South African produced film inspired by a true story starring Rapulana Seiphemo and Jeffrey Zekele. Intended for two different audiences, both of these films have different themes and different messages which they are trying to portray.…show more content…
The predominant theme throughout the movie is trust and the distinctions between lying and the need to protect others and their reputations. Exemplified in the film, little lies can prove to stack up and can be harmful in certain situations. Lying and dishonesty is ordinary and has also become that way in society today. As illustrated by the CIA, lying and dishonesty can also be a way to cover up corruption and dishonesty within governments and government

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