Motif Of Sight In Oedipus The King

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“You have your eyes but see not where you are in sin, nor where you live, nor whom you live with” explained Teiresias to Oedipus. Teiresias revealed many things to Oedipus about his fate but Oedipus did not realize, until it was too late. This quote divulges many things about not only Oedipus but the other characters and events as well. The motifs of sight and the ignorance of truth together are essential to the character and story development. Sight in Oedipus the King is both a literal and figurative motif. Figuratively, sight in the play represents knowledge of the truth. Even though many characters have this “sight” many choose to live in ignorance. These motifs go hand in hand because separately they would not cause conflict or tragedy. However sight is the most obvious motif at the beginning. The motif of sight is initially depicted both figuratively and literally by Teiresias. Teiresias is ironically, a blind prophet. He cannot physically see however, he can see past, present, and future. This ability proves to the reader that to have…show more content…
Few characters in the play can actually see the whole truth until it’s too late. In the beginning of the play it seems as if Teiresias is the only one who knows and can see the truth. However Oedipus does make a somewhat accurate accusation. He claims that Creon wanted the throne from King Laius and he is the killer. Creon denies this statement, however after Jocasta and Oedipus die, he takes the throne immediately. Teiresias, however, has the gift of seeing the truth. He knows everything about Oedipus’ past and future. However he does not share this information with him, because Teiresias knows what will happen if Oedipus knows the truth. Oedipus reveals his fatal flaw at this point which is both his ignorance and curiosity. He makes Teiresias angry which makes him tell Oedipus the truth and then Oedipus denies
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