Morrie Vs Shakespeare

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“It’s more than the negative that you’re going to die, it’s also the positive that you understand you’re going to die, and that you live a better life because of it” (Albom 118). If more people were to do just that, the world would become an exceptional place to live. More people need to live their life knowing and accepting that they are going to die, which would likely engender them to live a life full of meaning. Although Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie and William Shakespeare’s “The Seven Ages of Man” share a copious amount of divergence, both authors want to get across their didactic perspectives about life and death. Both of these perspectives on life and death that Morrie and the speaker possess can be scrutinized by their views on…show more content…
The speaker of “The Seven Ages of Man” somewhat has a related viewpoint on adulthood compared to Morrie Schwartz’s viewpoint. Through the eyes of the speaker, adults form a “bubble reputation,” which means they form a reputation that can be easily destroyed due to setting their eyes on achievement (II.vii.1050). This focus on long term things goes along with Schwartz’s view on adults being shortsighted. Although the speaker and Schwartz’s views on adulthood are similar, their views on aging are far from the same. The speaker says, “And one man in his time plays many parts,/ His acts being seven ages” (II.vii.1040-1041). This quote shows that the speaker views aging as a step-by-step process, while Schwartz sees aging through a much broader lense. Likewise, both the speaker and Schwartz believe that all humans will endure a second childhood. Simply put, the speaker states, “That ends this strange eventful history,/ Is second childishness” (II.vii.1062-1063). On the contrary to the way Schwartz perceives the mark left on the world, the speaker believes that nothing, “mere oblivion,” is left after death (II.vii.1063). The negative attitude of the speaker about the mark left on the world after death strongly contradicts Schwartz’s positive attitude about the mark left on the world after death. Even though the speaker in William Shakespeare’s “The Seven Ages of Man” has the same standpoint as Morrie Schwartz about adulthood and a second childhood, his view on aging and the mark left on the world adds to his pessimistic perspective on life and

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