Molly Craig Research Paper

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Heroes, Sacrifices and Benefits By James Zhang 9E From the heroic actions of Molly Craig during her daring escapade from the Moore River Native Settlement, and Ludwig Van Beethoven's inspirational musical accomplishments, we may notice that heroes often do not benefit in the end from the sacrifices they make towards their respective causes. However, whether an individual receives a beneficial outcome from his or her decisions is usually based upon what he or she is trying to achieve, and whether they consider the consequences even after attaining their goals thoroughly. A hero at times needs to cast personal and self-interest aside, in order to benefit not for themselves, but for the greater good. Molly Craig experiences temporary ‘relief’,…show more content…
Beethoven had a very abusive father, whom beat him and pressured him to become: “the next Mozart”. These were the exact words which Beethoven's father drilled into his brain at a very young age, and caused him emotional and physical stress beyond imagination. Along with his father's strict and abusive ways, Beethoven endured the death of 3 siblings at a very young age: Maria, Anna, and Franz. Upon the flourishing of his musical talent, he studied with Joseph Haydn, a great name in the day, inspiring Beethoven to form a composition style much similar to Haydn's. With Beethoven's years came experience, recognition and a reasonable amount of respect, however, the misfortune of hearing loss in his ears struck in 1976, his doctor unable to offer any help but to advise him to reside in the small district of Heiligenstadt, where the quiet environment may help his ears improve. However, Beethoven was not in luck, his recovery was impeded by his bouts of depression, and abdominal issues, and shortly after a year, he finally accepted that his hearing would have no way improving again. His despair and plea for sympathy lies in the Heiligenstadt Testament, addressed to his brothers as a plea for understanding, and form the writing, etched in to pages is Beethoven's tears, and determination to forge his own musical style from the pain he endured. However, poor health beseeched Beethoven for his longevity, and after ejection from a diverse range of women whom he felt love towards, Beethoven died at the age of 57, with several unfinished compositions which drafts still exist today. His losses lead to his ultimate legacy left behind today, however he cannot witness it with his own eyes. Once again, are these sacrifices he made towards the cause he

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