Microprocessor Examples

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Microprocessor Systems .A microprocessor is one of the most central parts of a modern personal computer or, in fact, any advanced computer device. It integrates the functions of a central processing unit, the portion of a computer responsible for carrying out programmed instructions, onto a single integrated circuit that couples the important thinking devices of the machine with the electrical infrastructure needed to support them. Microprocessor design is able to incorporate a tremendous amount of processing power in a very small space. Each step of the way to modern microprocessing has spurred more triumphs, innovations, and competition. Evolution of Microprocessor • The microprocessor has become more essential part of many gadgets. The evolution…show more content…
Examples of the second generation microprocessors are 16-bit arithmetic 7 pipelined instruction processing, MC68000 Motorola microprocessor. These processors are introduced in the year 1979, and Intel 8080 processor is another example of the microprocessor. The second generation of the microprocessor is defined by overlapped fetch, decode and execute the steps. When the first generation is processed in the execution unit, then the second instruction is decoded and the third instruction is…show more content…
Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors • The short term of Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors is CISM and they classify a microprocessor in which orders can be performed together along with other low level activities. These types of processors performs the different tasks like downloading, uploading, recalling data into the memory card and recalling data from the memory card. Apart from these tasks, it also does complex mathematical calculations in a single command. Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessor • The short term of Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessor is RISC. These types of processors are made according to the function in which the microprocessor can carry out small things in specific command. In this way these processors completes more commands at a faster rate. Superscalar
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