Michelangelo Buonarroti Research Paper Outline

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Michelangelo Buonarroti Thesis: Michelangelo Buonarroti was remembered for his artisticness and his determination. Introduction Early Life Michelangelo Buonarroti was born on March 6, 1475 in Caprese, Tuscany. He paid no attention to school, but focused more on painting and sculpting. Final works He painted many works He carved many sculptures too Career There are many interesting facts about Michelangelo. He worked for many people V. Key characteristics He is famous for his artistic abilities. He is known for His determination. Conclusion Dillan Bosier Poss English 8-4 November 12, 2014 When the Chisel Becomes a Brush “What good I have comes from the pure air of your native Arezzo, and also because I sucked in chisels and…show more content…
He first learned how to stonecut when he was 6. His mom died at that time and his family moved in with a stonecutter and his wife. He eventually got the hang of stone cutting. Over the time of his career Michelangelo Sculpted many people and other things(“Michelangelo Buonarroti Biography”). His best known sculpture is the sculpture of David(“Michelangelo Buonarroti”). He also sculpted the roman god Bacchus and he even sculpted Moses and Zachariah. He sculpted Jeremiah too. He sculpted the model of San Lorenzo facade. Also he sculpted the rebellious and dying slaves, and Hercules and Cacus. He even sculpted the “Genius of Victory” and two tombs for Lorenzo the Magnificent, and Giuliano, his brother the duke of Nemours(“Michelangelo Timeline”). He also designed pieta for the cardinal. He continued to sculpt until his…show more content…
He worked for Lorenzo de Pierfrancesco and for Cardinal Raffaele Riario(Michelangelo Buonarroti Biography). Another person he worked for was Piero Soderini(“Michelangelo Buonarroti”). He even worked for cardinal Jean Bilheres de Lagrualas and for Palazzo della Signoria too(“Michelangelo Timeline”) Michelangelo is known for his artisticness. He was both a painter and a sculptor. He received commissions from some of the most powerful and rich people of his day. Some of those people being Popes(“Michelangelo”). Some even said that he was the pinnacle of all achievements associated with art(“Michelangelo Buonarroti Biography”). Michelangelo was also known for his determination in the artistic field. His father was completely against him being an artist and would sometimes beat him. He said that such things were not worthy of his noble house(“Michelangelo Buonarroti”). He was determined that he was going to be an artist no matter what his father

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