Mexican Internalization Analysis

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Internalization According to a poll by the National Hispanic Media Coalition called, "The Impact of Media Stereotypes on Opinions and Attitudes Towards Latinos", negative portrayals of Latinos in the media does contribute to the negative opinions of Latinos and immigrants by non-Latinos. It is not only internalized by the Latinos themselves, but it is put into the minds of everyone that the only way someone is a certain ethnicity is if they act or look a certain way. In the poll, participants were asked to remember all the roles that Latinos played in either television or film. The top roles that non-Latinos remembered were criminal or gang member, gardener, and maid. Internalization…show more content…
They begin to believe the lies that the oppressors put out. They start to blame themselves for their so called faults, and belittle themselves. Adults, especially, find fault, criticize and invalidate one another. Expectations are also held high, and are expected of the youth to redeem the older generation. The lack of support which is necessary for progress to occur, is only increasing rather than decreasing. “[After the Mexican American War ended in 1848, people of Mexican origin faced lynchings, land theft and virulent racism. Later, in times of economic depression, people of Mexican origin--citizens and noncitizens alike--were deported en masse . . . . As a result, many Mexican-origin people internalized the racism and learned to despise all things Mexican. (Guana, Jeanne in a Dirty Mexican": Internalized Oppression, Latinos & Law).” No longer does one want to embrace the culture, but rather hide from it. No longer is heritage and pride common, but it is ridiculed. Internalization causes one to participate in unhealthy behavior which range from self-loathing to accepting the negative stereotypes as reality. One main point that the United States government has implemented in…show more content…
They no longer have a means of communication because of children being taught that their language is wrong. Broken usage of the home language is used, but the communication barrier is still present. My siblings were all born in the United States. They grew up learning more English than Spanish resulting in their usage of broken Spanish. My parents lack the full ability to use English, but still manage to comprehend it. They might not know how to speak it well, but they attempt to. People think that just because one does not know the language well, that they are useless. That is a popular view held in America. “Learn English or go back to your country”, is a common saying in small towns and cities by Americans. They hate the fact that many schools are becoming bilingual in order to accommodate for those who do not know English. They live in a bubble, that the United States must only be one language, one culture, one country. The reality of it is that the United States is a big melting pot. There will also be so many cultures in one place, that it is impossible for everything to assimilate. Instead of banding together, Mexicans are fighting among themselves. There is a case that

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