Metaphors In Sylvia Plath's Daddy

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“Daddy” Wasn’t Much of a Daddy In Sylvia Plath’s poem “Daddy,” the author uses metaphors to present a figurative image of how much she resents and feels trapped around her father and husband. The author creates an evil tone to help the reader feel and understand what she has felt while being in the presence of the one’s she once loved. The poem also acts as revenge for the author because she claims that she has killed her father and the man she has made out to be her father, which is her husband. The purpose of the poem is to show that no matter how the author’s father or husband has made her feel before, she has moved on and is through putting up with their actions. The first thing seen while reading the poem are the metaphors. She uses them to help express the way her father has made her feel throughout their relationship to the readers. “Any more, black shoe in which I have lived like a foot,” is just one of the many metaphors used to explain the way she feels. The author also compares her father to a nazi, swastika, and a vampire. In contrast, she explains herself to be a jew or victim. The author continually makes herself clear that she doesn’t want the relationship with her father or husband and is through with the way she has constantly felt and been treated.…show more content…
Towards the end of the poem, Plath claims to have killed both her father and husband; which is a figurative image for have taken them out of her life for good. This is made clear when she states: “If I’ve killed one man, I’ve killed two, The vampire who said he was you, and drank my blood for a year, seven years, if you want to know. Daddy, you can lie back now. There’s a stake in your fat black heart, and the villagers never liked you. They are dancing and stamping on you. They always knew it was you. Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m

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