Medical Ethics Case Study

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Case # 4. Medical ethics composed of ethical guidelines and values used to govern decision making in clinical practice (Mosby’s Medical dictionary, 2009). Four principles of medical ethics which are patients’ autonomy, beneficence, nonmalificence and justice address main issues within clinical practice. Using four principles of medical ethics and medical secrecy code of the Kazakhstan Republic case #4 is analyzed. Course of actions depends on the careful analysis of the Case #4 with Mrs. M. According to the medical secrecy code of Republic of Kazakhstan in Section 5 article 95, the medical information can be shared to patient’s legal representatives or to people to whom patient gave the consent. The fact that doctor told relatives the patient’s…show more content…
Although, trying to morally justify the fact that it might be beneficial for patient, doctor can become biased and make wrong judgments about patient’s mental capacity. In addition, not telling patient about condition they have may lead to misunderstandings and worsening of doctor-patient relationships, mistrust, and quality of patient care. If it would be justified that Mrs. M. is mentally incapacitated it would be legal to not tell her about her condition and proceed with what surrogate decision maker will decide. Similar course of actions will be if patient is described as “waiver” and chose not know about the results and course of medical diagnosis and treatment. In that case not telling Mrs. M. does not violate autonomy, but can violate beneficence if surrogate decision maker will reject medical treatment. It is important to explain to surrogate decision maker the importance of the treatment in case of Mrs. M. to decide on the best course of action to provide care for the patient. In order to make such decision legal document about medical care rejection or assigning surrogate decision maker will be…show more content…
At that case telling her about her condition, future diagnostic procedures and possible treatment options will be the best course of action. If it is revealed that Mrs. M. is legally competent according to the Kazakhstan Health Code doctor is required to tell the truth about patient’s condition. From the legal standpoint telling Mrs. M. about her condition is the most appropriate one and does not violate autonomy of the patient. Revealing truth may be encouraging for patient and increase trust in doctor-patient relationship. On the other hand, if her relatives are right it can lead to negative consequences and violate nonmaleficence principle of Oath of the Doctor. Even though there are possible consequences, the best decision is to talk in appropriate place and time, in private and reveal the

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