Medicaid Expantion: A Case Study

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When discussing medicaid expantion it is important to diferentiate between some common federally and state funded health care programs. These programs include: Medicaid, Medicare, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) or Oboma care, and Medicaid expation. Medicaid is a health care program run by the state that provides care to low income families and individuals under the age of 65 that meet poverty level requirements. Medicaid is not to be confused with medicare, which is a federally funded program that provides health insurance to Americans 65 years or older who have “worked and paid into the system”, young people with disabilities and certain qualifiying end-stage diseases. Obamacare or the Patient Protection and Affordable…show more content…
Along with Medicaid, Children’ s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are state optional and jointly funded by both federal and states governments but managed by the State government. According to, “In order to participate in Medicaid, federal law requires states to cover certain population groups (mandatory eligibility groups) and gives them the flexibility to cover other population groups (optional eligibility groups).” (1) Although each state determine requiremnets and eligibility for the programs recipients must be a permanent and legal U.S resident, meet the low income standard, or meet the certain disability qualifications. States that choose to participate in the program (all 50 states participate) must follow federal regulations to receive reimburstments to offset costs.…show more content…
It also creates whats known as the “coverage gap” because of the regulations and qualifications an individual must meet to be approved for the programs. This gap lead to the newly passed program called Medicaid Expasion. Medicaid Expantion is a provision of PPACA that was intended to be manditory program nation wide but was passed by the Supreme Court in June of 2012 to be optional for states. The magnitude of the health topic, using measures of health outlined in the text What does this mean for individuals in states that offer Medicaid expantion and individuals in states that do not? To simplify, Sates that offer the program will allow health care to nearly all low-income individuals. “This expansion fills in historical gaps in Medicaid eligibility for adults and was envisioned as the vehicle for extending insurance coverage to low-income individuals, with premium tax credits for Marketplace coverage serving as the vehicle for covering people with moderate incomes.” (2) States that are not expanding medicaid will result in great limitations for health

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