Matthew Crabtree Scandal

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A primary history of factory legislation labeled the testimony presented in Sadler's report as "one of the most valuable collections of evidence on industrial conditions that we possess". Evidence given to a committee was not given under oath, and it remains uncertain and debatable to what extent the evidence heard from previous mill-children and the parents of mill children was factual. The evidence illustrated over-work, physical brutality, depression and fear. One example of the evidence and the questioning that provoked it is Matthew Crabtree a now twenty-two year old and a blanket manufacturer. He had been a factory child between the ages of eight and twelve. He had worked from 6a.m. to 8p.m. with an hour for a meal at noon and no breakfast…show more content…
receives a copy of the following rules: normal working day begins at 6 am and ends 7 pm (allowing a half hour for breakfast, dinner, and tea). Also 5 minutes before work begins a bell will ring, indicating for everyone under employment to move to their station. If you're not on time, the doors will be locked. If you are even 2 minutes late there will be wage deductions. You are not allowed to work overtime or there will be wage deductions. You may not leave before the end of the working day. If you have repeated irregular arrival, you will be dismissed. Only enter and exit through the proper gateways. You may not leave your station of work unless it is for a reason pertaining to your work. You may not talk to fellow smoking in the work yard. Every worker is responsible for cleaning their space. All tools must be kept in good condition. If you miss work due to illness you will be paid accordingly. A free copy of the rules is handed to every workman and whoever loses their copy and requires a new one shall be fined. The Factory rules were more extensive and more systematic but its report and associated evidence are less alarming than Sadler's

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