Sandra Cisneros 'Marian Anderson Famous Concert Singer'

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Style is what intrigues the audience. Style is how an author makes the story their story. Two authors who have completely different styles would be the authors Sandra Cisneros and Langston Hughes. The piece I will refer back to throughout this paper written by Cisneros would be Tepeyac, Which is a hill that lies in the northern part of Mexico City. The second piece I will refer back to will be Marian Anderson Famous Concert Singer written by Langston Hughes. In this paper I will express how these two very different authors express their unique ways of showing style including comparisons and contrasts, syntax and diction, and the author's ability to create an image throughout the story in the reader's mind throughout the author’s stories. First comparing and contrasting. Some similarities between the authors would be…show more content…
Some differences between Cisneros use of syntax and Hughes use of syntax is very clear who uses more. It’s so obvious to tell who uses it more because the very first sentence in each story is a form of syntax technically. In Tepeyac written by Sandra Cisneros her very first sentence on the very first page is a total number of 216 words. Opposed to Marian Anderson Famous Concert Singer written by Langston Hughes whom only used 31 words. A very large difference in amount of word use. An example of diction from the story Tepeyac would be Cisneros using all of the different spanish words to tie in the culture of Tepeyac so the people reading understand that she has personally been to this location and is not just making up the descriptions of the people and places

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