Mathews V. Eldridge Summary

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Brief case of Mathews v Eldridge 1. Name of Case: Mathews v Eldridge 2. Name of court: Supreme Court of the United States; Legal Citation: 424 U.S. 319; set of legal reporters; United States Supreme Court Reporter; Year of decision: 1976. 3. Plaintiff: Eldridge; his objectives; prove that prior to the termination of Social Security disability benefit payments, the recipient be afforded an opportunity for an evidentiary hearing. 4. Defendant; Mathews; claims in defense; disapprove motion by plaintiff to approve motion. 5. Trial Court action: Judgment for the plaintiff, Eldridge. 6. Issue[s]: Whether the due process Clause of the Fifth Amendment requires that prior to the termination of Social Security disability benefit payments the recipient should be…show more content…
United States Supreme Court: reversed Court of Appeals and trial court’s proposal and argument of the plaintiffs. 8. Facts of the case: • Social security benefits were first awarded to the plaintiff in June 1968. In March 1978, the state urgency that is run by Mathew sent to the plaintiff a questionnaire so as to monitor his medical condition. • After plaintiff had received the information and the questionnaire from his Physician, the Plaintiff stopped payments on his disability in May 1972. During that period he was requested to submit additional information. He then did as directed • The agency, however proposed the continuing process of paying for their services. The social Security Administration then approved such payments. • The plaintiff had the opportunity to seek for reconsideration but instead he brought the action that would challenge the authenticity and validity of the due procedural system that would eventually lead to taking away all his benefits prior to a full evidentiary hearing. • The plaintiff argued that he had failed to exhaust all his remedies. The defendant however challenged this by analogizing that the plaintiff was only trying to collect his welfare. 9. Ratio

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