Mathematics In The Middle Ages

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History proves much more than a person could expect; history also shows how great and significant cultures were before the evolution of smart devices. Many questions overlap our tendency to speculate, and the more one thinks of cultures, the more elusive predictions and speculations stream into one’s conscious mind. What is meant by this concept is that history is merely a thin line between facts and lies. hence, in order to determine how successful a system was running, an overlook of the historic events and anecdotes must be obtained; therefore, the subsequent lines will overlay a sense of pride often evoked by Europeans and also evoke a sense of regret in Arabs. Arab and European education in the Middle Ages share a significant amount of…show more content…
Mathematics was and still is one of the benchmarks considered when rating the achievements of civilizations. In addition, the two civilizations highly appreciated the importance of mathematics and contributed to crucial and vital discoveries and developments in this field. Byzantine scientists preserved and continued the legacy of the great Ancient Greek mathematicians and put mathematics into practice by using complex mathematical formulas to construct the great “Hagia Sophia” temple. In the Arab world, a plentiful of math discoveries were conducted; for example, Kushyar (a well Known scientist) contributed to the discovery of addition, subtraction, and multiplication principles. Two of the most recognized scientists of the two cultures were Alkhawarizmi (Arab) and Fibonacci (European). These two brilliantly shrewd men lead most of the scholars and scientists to prodigious discoveries. Fibonacci was an Italian scientist who contributed enormously to the spread of the Hindu-Arabic numerals (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) through Europe and constrained the usage of Latin-numerals(I, II, III, IV, V, etc.) which prevailed Europe in the middle ages. (citation) Al-Khawarizmi (the father of Algebra) was a scholar at the House of Wisdom who contributed to voluminous Algebraic concepts including Algorithms and completing the square. The two cultures utilized a variety of different languages to address their mathematical and scientific discoveries in a proficient matter of lines (At that time, it was common to solve math using words rather than numbers). Greek was commonly spoken in the two regions. Languages spoken in the Arab world were mostly Greek, Arabic, Syriac (the language spoken in ancient Turkey), and Farsi; however in Europe, Latin, Greek, and French were broadly

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