Masculinity Vs. Femininity In Oresteia

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Ariana Saunders Masculinity vs. Femininity in Eumenides “Oresteia” Masculinity vs. Femininity in Eumenides “Oresteia” Ariana Saunders In this essay I will examine the manner of differences in Masculinity vs. Femininity taking place in The Eumenides, final play of The “Oresteia”. The conspiracy of The Eumenides puts Orestes and Apollo (assemblies of the male gods and male values in general) against the ghost of Clytemnestra and the Fury (equally assemblies of female values.) More conclusively whether Athena sides with the males or females throughout the play; is the character of Orestes who is overlooked in Eumenides as well as his role that is far less significant than of Apollo. The first sighting of Orestes are seen at Delphi as he stands…show more content…
Apollo on one hand, who was adored by the Athenians is seen as the 'authoritarian', who proclaims the purity of marriage and the precedence over the male. Ultimately the relations of night and so forth are related to the fact that the Fury female figures that encourage female values. The play of Aeschylus fluctuates from all other recorded Greek lineages of the gods by making the fury the daughters of the Dark, who is Destiny's sister. By doing so, Aeschylus elevates their cosmic status and openly associates them with blackness; and indeed, nightfall or duskiness prove to be characteristic both of the Feminine and of the Furies generally. Even though all the characters heartily defend their own interpretations, their opinions are changed from Aeschylus subtleness throughout the play. Going through the play we see that the Fury is made to appear, concurrent, and a lesser amount of insensate bloodhounds seeking the penalty for a matricide merely by instinctive reflexes, and more and more as the guardians of an ancient custom of family values, custom that to them represents

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