Masculinity In Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

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In The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway uses a sarcastic tone to show that a lack of masculinity can drive a man to do contradicting things in order to please a person. Just before the end of the book, Jake receives two telegrams from Brett requesting him to come to Madrid. After decided to meet with her instead of going to San Sebastian, he writes out his reply to Brett, plans ruined, tickets purchased. He starts to ponder on how he “sen[t] a girl off with one man”, and now must “bring her back” (243). Ironically, he signs the wire “with love” even after setting her up with Pedro, a bullfighter that Jake set up with Brett (243). Finally, he resolves “that seems to handle it”, and “that was it “(243). The short sentences in the passage seems

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