Influences Of Prosumerism

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The influences of prosumerism in society Prosumerism is taking strong influences on society. Not just the digital society is influenced by the prosumer. It even reached society in general. On social media an actual common based prosumerism will arise. Common based prosumerism means that people are together creating and building content/communities. People are finding each other with the same interest. Through these interest people build relationships and even communities online. This common based prosumerism actually promotes civic engagement. This creates cohesive groups which also are motivated and ready to be mobilized to support social causes. Important examples are the initial Occupy Wall Street, thenOccupy the World, or the NO-TAV…show more content…
This content will be picked up by other people. This communicating through a digital environment will also build trust between the prosumers.They used to just read the news from newspapers, newswebsite etcetera. However, with the rise of prosumerism the consumer becomes more active on the Word Wide Web 2.0. They are not just dependent on what the news corporations are offering them. They can now also gain the news from other consumers. With might differentiate from the regular media. This means that newscorportation should take into consideration that their ‘consumers’ are also becoming ‘prosumers’. This is not necessarily a bad thing for the news corporation. They might not be the only content producers out their. However, they can use the news that the prosumer creates in their advantage. They easily see where interesting news is and what the consumer likes the read about. The news corporation can then give some more detailed insights in current news events. Whereas, the prosumers might be the first to talk about it but the news corporation will give the insights. This means that the prosumerism does not give more angles about news, it also can enhance the current news

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