Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses Summary

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Martin Luther began his studies in law and theology at the University of Erfurt, becoming a monk of the Catholic Church, thereafter lecturing the New Testament at the University of Wittenberg. During his doctrinal studies, Luther began to inquire the authenticity of the Church. Consequently, he confronted the monastic dominion in his written work, Ninety-Five Theses (1517), questioning the organization’s credibility. Subsequent, came about an augmented assessment of the Catholic Church, which he took to the group who had some control over them, German nobility. The German nobility had the power to amend the Catholic Church, considering the Church was dependent on their financial support. Luther’s assessment was titled the Address to the…show more content…
The three walls are the differences and dominance between clerical and layman of the Church, the claim the Pope is the absolute interpreter of Scripture, and the belief that the Pope holds the ultimate command in the Church. Luther states the first wall, the Catholic Church holds, is the assertion the temporal power holds no jurisdiction over the spiritual power; temporal power refers to aristocrats and layman, while the spiritual power relates to the Pope and clergy of the Church. Luther contests their claim by stating “all Christians [are] alike,” thus all are equal in God’s eyes, permitting all Christian people to act as priest, able to baptize and forgive. (307) Luther also expresses that punishment for sins need to be impartial among the Christian people, in this way human regulation can be done away with. Moreover, Luther describes the second wall, which conveys the claim no one may interpret the Scripture but the Pope, maintaining the notion that only the Church can interpret Scripture. Luther explains the church is not able to show from the Bible, where it states the Pope holds the sole right to translate Scripture, presuming jurisdiction over the…show more content…
Luther then suggests there be less clergymen, and for them to be paid by the Pope’s own funds. Luther calls to attention the Pope’s salary, which he states is more than any emperor has ever been paid; noting the duplicity in the countries poverty in the country and the Church’s

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