Marriage In Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451'

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In the novel Fahrenheit 451, one is able to sample this world’s ideals and values of marriage through Montag’s relationship with his wife, Mildred. By discussing Montag’s and Mildred’s marriage before Montag starts to change, we will avoid most bias and get an overview of the strength of marriages in this dystopian world. At the beginning of the novel, on page six, while Montag talking to Clarisse he brings up his wife. He says that “What – the smell of kerosene? My wife always complains” while reading this part I initially thought it was just a joke; that Mildred was a normal wife and that Montag was a part of a normal world. However, in this world, there is no creativity. There is no way that could be a joke, Mildred did always complain. After knowing this, we can confirm our suspicion that the relationship between Montag and his wife in fact has already gone sour.…show more content…
He thinks that “It was like coming into the cold marbled room of a mausoleum after the moon has set” then goes even further on page twelve by thinking that “His wife stretched on the bed, uncovered and cold, like a body displayed on the lid of a tomb.” Generally when referring to a bedroom, you think that it is a place of companionship and warmth. In this case, I believe that Montag is referring to the same thing. However, instead of thinking it as a happy thing, he believes that the love in his bedroom is quite frankly, dead. He then goes further by saying that his wife is the dead person in a tomb. Since he is obviously alive, he believes that the reason the love has died is solely because of her. We can conclude that Montag thinks extremely lowly of his life, he thinks that he is the one trying to keep the relationship afloat while his wife is a heavy weight around his neck; she is always trying to bring him

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