Marie Maynard Daly Essay

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Marie Maynard Daly was born on April 16,1921. She is a Biochemist. Her birthplace is Queens, New York. She was educated in B.S Chemistry, Queens college, M.S Chemistry, New York University, Ph.D. Chemistry, and Columbia University. Her father, who's name was Ivan was a postal worker and her mother, who's name was Helen was a house maker. Marie's mother grew up in Washington, D.C., and she came from a family of readers. She spent a lot of hours reading to her daughter and she also fostered Marie's love for books. Daly's love for chemistry came from her father. He immigrated to America from the West Indies to study the concept of chemistry. As Daly was growing up, She loved to read. She especially loved to read about science. After Daly graduated…show more content…
She also earned a fellowship. Next, This helped her finance her quest to get a Master's degree in chemistry at New York University. Then, Daly went on to attend New York University and that's where she earned her Master's degree in 1944. She continued her education by registering at Columbia University. She studied under Dr. Mary Caldwell, who was a pioneering chemist and she was also a nutritionist, as in which, she expanded the opportunities for women in the field of chemistry. In 1947, She was presented with her Ph.D. in chemistry, which she became the first African American woman in the U.S to earn a Ph.D. in the concept of chemistry. When she graduated from Columbia in 1947, she became a role model for numerous other black women working in the science category. After she earned her Ph.D. in chemistry, she held teaching positions at Howard University and also at Columbia University. Also, Dr. Daly, conducted research at Rockefeller Institute of Medicine, where she was working on understanding the composition and the metabolism of components of the cell

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