Margaret Bourke-White: Dolly Parton's Impact On The Media

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In this paper it will cover, a brief history of her early life, how she impacted the media, and what she did. “If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.” – Dolly Parton This quote could not be truer for the great photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White, a real pioneer in the field. Margaret was born in Bronx New York on June 14, 1904 to the parents Minnie Bourke and Joseph White. She was the middle child of three, her parents were very strict, one thing they would not allow their children have was chewing gum in the home. Her father had always loved tinkering around with photography as wells as dismembering cameras. She did not take an interest to photography until she started her vast college career. When she started at her first enrolled at Columbia University, her mom purchased her- her first camera a used Ica Reflex with a cracked screen. She then ended her college career after transferring from six different universities at Cornell University. While she was at Cornell she took…show more content…
The photos she took of the Otis Steel Mill, are the ones that gained a lot of recognition for the way she captured its interior. With those portraits she was offered a job by Henry Luce who is the owner of Fortune Magazine, he wanted her to come back to New York and work full-time for him. Margaret had no desire to move back there, so they settled on a part-time position paying 12,000$ yearly. This was the real start to her photojournalism career. With her photo’s Fortune become one of the leading photographic magazines, and helped Margaret gain more recognition. She was commissioned to document the building of the Chrysler building, where her second studio would be. Just like Cornell paid off for her so did the year 1930. She had a photojournalism job that was opening many doors for

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