Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings

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Josh Boston Moldenhauer HUM120 19 October 2014 Happy Endings Do you believe in happy endings? In the short story Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood the word happy is never used to describe any of the characters relationships. In the second version of the story “Version B” there is not a single use of a positive adjective which leads the reader to have to comprehend the story in a bit of sarcasm. Happy Endings has the appearance of being an attack by Atwood on character bias whereas it is much more of an attack on fairytale endings. Although character bias is definitely present it is not the main theme behind the story. The story itself is a lot different from that of most short stories as the way it is presented has several different scenarios and plots. In the story Atwood shows the true theme behind it all and that is that regardless of the life a person lived they will always die in the end. Throughout the story Atwood does very little to develop the characters personalities and leaves them fairly boring, thus leaving their personalities to a bit of bias.…show more content…
As you are reading the story it looks as if you are reading an outline, the story itself is also portrayed in very angry and hateful tone. Happy Endings also lacks a consistent setting or plot as there are six different variations to the story. With each variation of the story the characters are always the same, and they all end the same a relatively happy ending but it always ends with death. This directly ties to Atwood’s overall theme that regardless of the life the person lived they will always

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