Makeup Artist Research Paper

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The lights go up, two aliens are in head to head battle, fiercely swinging their swords until one of them drops it, making the director scream viciously “CUT!” The two actors walk over for makeup touch ups and this is where my job would begin. My goal in life is to become a special effects makeup artist. I’m ready to work long hours on set, pre-painting and basing out a prosthetic piece or making the creature makeup look like it came right out a horror film I created this goal when I watched the first season of FaceOff on the Syfy channel. Watching these contestants make real live people become things of beauty or creatures out of your scariest nightmares, fascinated me deeply. I still watch the show now and every challenge they have, I make my own sketch out and think about the backstory behind it. For me to achieve this gol I need to graduate high school. Once I’ve graduated, I’m planning on going to Austin…show more content…
As my dad always tell me, “To be early is to be on time, to be on time, you’re late, show up late and be prepared to say goodbye.” In school, they continuously give us deadlines to turn things in. Whether being a project or an essay, there will always be deadlines Also in school, you learn to work with other to complete projects. Extracurricularly, I have done Marching Band and One Act for four years. Being drum major the past two years has helped by being able to lead and teach a group of sixty to seventy five people everyday. In One Act, I did the lights and makeup. Lighting wise I had to learn a new board for every step of competition and program in 30 or more light cues in less than an hour. Makeup wise I had to make 4 sixteen to eighteen year olds look like they were in their seventies and eighties. I learned to work well with others and how to finish things in a timely manner. In both, I learned to work

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