Magnificent Seven Analysis

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The Magnificent Seven is a classic western movie that originally aired in 1960. It was then remade recently in 2016 by Antoine Fuqua. The story is about a small western frontier town called Rose Creek. A greedy gold miner, Bartholomew Bogue, takes over the town and forces residents to work in his gold mines. A few residents in the town seek to get a group of bounty hunters to rebel and attempt to save their town from Bartholomew and his men. This film implicitly challenges the ideological belief of multiculturalism, gender roles, and anti-whitewashing in the American west in the late 1800’s. It does this by bringing multiple races into the film who are there to kill the powerful white man who is making people suffer, by giving women power and authority…show more content…
This challenges the ideological belief that women, especially in the 1800’s, were supposed to be quiet, caring and stay home to be a housewife. The husband would typically be doing the things this woman did to take the courage to ride out of town in search of help to save their town. Towards the beginning of the film, Emma is taught how to hold and shoot a rifle. This is implicitly showing the power of a woman in that time period, literally taking a rifle into her own hands to protect herself and her son instead of relying on other men in the town to do the usual man’s work of protecting the citizens. Later in the film, when Bogue’s army comes to take over the town, Sam tells her to go hide with the rest of the women and children. The other women and children were portrayed as scared and weak and useless in fighting against this powerful army of men. Emma refuses to go take cover with the other women and grabs a rifle and joins the fight. She is the true hero of this film as the only person with enough courage to start the initiative to attempt to save Rose
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