Macleods Perception Of Piquette's Vocation In Diamond Lake

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We are now going in to the story. The story is narrated by Vanessa, a white Canadian. She described her childhood memory with a Metis girl called Piquette. I divided my analysis into three parts: before their vocation to Diamond Lake, during the vocation and after the vocation. Before the vocation, I focused on the MacLeods’ perception of Piquette. Piquette is a girl from the Tonnerre. Vanessa saw them as half breed, without having idea that they were Indian. In Vanessa’s eyes, Piquette looked older than she, failed in many school subjects. Piquette was for her a vaguely embarrassing presence, with her hoarse voice and clumsy walk and grimy dress. But her father, Ewen MacLeod, saw Piquette as a poor patient, who was too young to take care of…show more content…
But after Ewen’s persuasion, they took Piquette with them. During the vocation in Diamond Lake, the interaction between Vanessa and Piquette was important for the whole story. Although Vanessa did not like Piquette, she invited Piquette to play with her. But she was rejected by Piquette with her scorn. And Piquette was always wearing a mask- a blank face, towards Vanessa all the time in the vocation. For example in the reader on page 150, in the middle: “her broad coarse- featured face bore no expression- it was blank.” And “when she saw me approaching, her hand squashed flat the sand castle she had been building, and she looked at me sullenly, without speaking.” Here we can see that Piquette has her own dream and illusion, but she was unwilling to share or expose. One more description is “she looked at me with her large, dark, unsmiling eyes. She was always hiding herself from Vanessa. One of the reasons I can imagine is that Piquette saw Vanessa as her potential enemy. She would not exposes any emotion to her. Maybe she was jealous of Vanessa. Piquette likes Ewen MacLeod, she thought he was the only person who did good things to her. But we can see in the short

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