Macbeth's Misguided Ambition

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William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth is a play that is revolved around one leader’s craving to be king and the desire that enables him. The three witches delivered a prophecy to Macbeth, which ultimately changed his future. Lady Macbeth impacted Macbeth and the choices he made significantly. She had the power to weaken him, which made Macbeth demolish anything that stood in the way of him becoming king. While on his journey, Macbeth made many decisions that eventually resulted in him destroying himself as well as everything around him. Although he acted aggressively and made many powerful moves, he was often conflicted on what he should and shouldn’t do. Shakespeare uses the idea of internal conflict to show how Macbeth’s character demonstrated the theme of misguided ambition.…show more content…
Having goals is very important and can help you strive to do better while accomplishing the things that most people think can’t be done. Chasing dreams and wanting to become successful is wonderful until it is done the wrong way. While striving to become better, it is easy to get caught up and many people tend to lose themselves along the way by having the wrong attitude. Throughout the play, Macbeth’s ambition and own thoughts are in a constant battle with each other. Man vs. self is the main conflict in Macbeth. In act 3, his ambition takes over in full effect. For example, Macbeth states, “By the worst means, the worst. For mine own good all causes shall give away: I am in blood stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more returning were as tedious as go o’er” (3.4.135-138). In these lines, it becomes evident that his desires are starting to overpower his conscience. Macbeth will soon start to realize that his choice to go after lust over what he knows is right will come back to haunt

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