Macbeth's Consequences

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An intense desire for success can sometimes be harmful to one’s self. One reason that a high intense desire for success can harm someone or other people around them is that they can get caught up in their success that they actually forget that they have a life and people who care about their well-being. They can have an opportunity and they will think in the moment not about the consequences it may have later on. Although, a long for success is also part of our human nature. We may want more and more and more but at the end of the day is it worth it? Is it worth spending hours, days, or even years on something that will end up wasting your life away? It isn’t bad to want to succeed in life, but when it gets in the way of family and friends…show more content…
Thinking in the moment can have a great negative consequence later on. In the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, the main character, Macbeth, takes matters into his own hands when three witches appear saying that he will be king. Macbeth thinks in the moment and decides he will kill King Duncan. Macbeth does not think about the consequences killing the king will hold in the future. This plot to kill the king shows that Macbeth is drawn to success, to rule the kingdom. All that matters to him is being king, having success, which he does not realize holds severe consequences later on. His desire for success is what kills him at the end. Desire for success is not to be thought about only in the moment, it is to be thought upon the future, what consequences might have toll on one later…show more content…
Macduff, in the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, was told that his wife and child were murdered. Ross, “the messenger” who told Macduff about his wife and child told him that he believed Macbeth is the one who had them killed. Macduff seeks revenge on Macbeth for murdering his family and the King Duncan. He was driven to revenge because Macbeth killed his family and Duncan. At the end, Macduff succeeds in killing the man who killed his family and the King Duncan. Macduff’s desire for the success in his revenge on Macbeth only drove him to achieve what he wanted. Desire for success can be a goal one has set for

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