Lucretius Vs Carus

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Titus Lucretius Carus, a Roman poet who was born a century before Christ, is the author of the philosophical epic “On the Nature of Things.” This epic explains Lucretius point of view of the world. The article “ Annals of Culture” The Answer Man, written by Stephen Greenblatt displays how he interpreted the book by Lucretius and his way of thinking about Lucretius’ thoughts and beliefs. Both Lucretius and the author of the article have many thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that are different from mine. In Lucretius’ “On the Nature of Things”, it is seen how Lucretius reveals a scientific vision of the world and philosophical meditations on religion, pleasure, and death. Lucretius believes that the universe is composed by infinite number of atoms moving randomly throughout space in a ceaseless process of creation and destruction as he puts it. Lucretius also mentions that when someone is looking at the sky and stars, one is observing not at a creation of the gods but rather at the same material that the world and all of it’s inhabitants are composed of. The Roman poet says that humans are one of the many results of nature, that each and every one of us are made from a celestial seed and have the same…show more content…
According to the Webster Dictionary Atheists tend to be skeptical of supernatural claims, citing a lack of empirical evidence. It is clear that the thoughts in Lucretius’ work suggest that he is an atheist if not an agnostic. Atheists have offered various rationales for not believing in any deity. These include the problem of evil, the argument of inconsistent revelations, and the argument of nonbelief. Lucretius was a firm believer of atomism, which in the 21st century is known as naturalism. Naturalism is a philosophical perspective to which everything results from natural properties and causes, and supernatural clarifications are rejected and

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