Luck In The Holocaust

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People will choose to blame their circumstances on fate or luck. Very few will admit it’s mainly the choices they have made. It commenced when Hitler came to power in September of 1919 and gained consummate power in Germany in 1933. Germany, already a very racial country, was judgmental towards people vigorously on their religious credences. The National Socialist German Worker's Party, planned to murder the Jewish people along with other alienated social groups like Gypsies, homosexuals and others with mental disorders that didn’t meet the criteria of a “perfect German”. The Holocaust was a devastating time during World War II that changed the lives of many people. Hitler used the complete power to his advantage and got away with the estimated…show more content…
The definition of luck and chance varies by the philosophical, religious, or emotional connection and point of view of the one interpreting it. According to Webster’s dictionary, luck is “a purposeless, unpredictable and uncontrollable force that shapes events favorably or unfavorably for an individual, group or cause”. When thought of as a factor beyond one's control, one may think of luck as a supernatural concept that there are spiritual forces that plans out certain events to occur. Others speak of luck after events that they find to be fortunate or unfortunate. According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of fate is “a power that is believed to control what happens in the future; the thing that will happen to a person or thing; the future that someone or something will have”. On the spiritual level of a Holocaust it is defined to survivors as “a power or agency that predetermines and orders the course of events. It defines events as ordered or inevitable and unavoidable”. The choices and fate of many of the Holocaust survivors has led many of them to endure and become liberate from the camps and the war. The existence of luck, fate and chance in the Holocaust played a consequential role in the survival rate of the targeted individuals because of survival tactics inside and outside of concentration…show more content…
However, different cultural groups within the Jewish community may have had different social resources and different chances of survival. To escape the increasing deportations to camps, families who were notified beforehand of the risks they were in, did one of two things. According to Eva Lux Braun, a survivor of the Holocaust, there were two ways of avoiding deportation to the death camps: going into hiding or acquiring protected status. The survival rate correlated most strongly with having close social ties with non-Jews. Although Jews could sometimes acquire protected status, this was no more than temporary. In order to survive, Jews needed someone who was a non-Jew to hide them and provide support. In most situations, the elders of the family, including the grandparents and parents, would sacrifice themselves to be transported while the children were left with non-Jews hiding in their households. If the children were lucky enough, the houses they were staying in were not searched, and they were not deported to the camps. Survivors like Braun did all they could to

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