Lpr Pros And Cons

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LPRs aren’t much of a new thing, they’ve been installed in almost every police vehicle in Fairfax County already. There are many benefits, but I believe that the privacy issues will always outweigh the benefits. To give a simple perspective of this technology, it would take an hour for one officer and a dispatcher to scan a parking lot full of license plates. With the LPR, it only takes a minute or two to scan a full parking lot without the aid of a dispatcher or officer leaving his vehicle. This allows for police to be more resourceful of their time with other priorities. Even when mobile, the LPR is automatically scanning all license plates it encounters without the officer's knowledge, and only alerts the officer when a match is found. Furthermore,…show more content…
Abusive tracking is a concern, like attaching a GPS system to a vehicle is essentially doing the same task of tracking people. Police are able to simply enter a license plate number and receive all information detected by the LPR, which includes where it was scanned, time, date, and trends. Anyone with access to this can track anyone. An officer can track his ex-wife, family, friends, and enemies. Officers could also target owners of vehicles who are parked at political conflicting locations, such as abortion clinics, gun stores, or gay bars. Discriminatory targeting is also a great concern. Government agencies can install LPRs based on religious or ethnic backgrounds certain communities have. In New York City, police in unmarked vehicles with LPRs installed were reported to excessively patrol local mosques to record each attendee. Police can simply do the same thing to any political group such as a sheriff running for re-election or even anti-abortion groups. In the United Kingdom, law enforcement agencies installed nearly 200 LPRs and cameras in predominate Muslim communities in Birmingham, in which the public dismantled the cameras in

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