Lost In Translation Summary

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Lost in Translation: The Importance of Women’s Role in Laguna Ritual’s According to Paula Gunn Allen’s, “Kochinnenako in Academe” EDIT THIS SHIT GIRL ORGANIZE IT Paula Gunn Allen was a Laguna Pueblo writer who published many literary works regarding the role of women in Native American culture and tradition. She addressed the differences between the European accounts of rituals and native life and the actual accounts of traditional stories as told by the Laguna’s themselves. More specifically, she’s attentive to how the women of her people’s stories are viewed to the readers in a “white-feminist” perspective, and, in her case, the, “feminist-tribal” perspective. Both views have similar traits, in that they concern themselves with a woman’s portrayal in a specific culture, but differ in regard to the audience, as well as how the stories were intentionally…show more content…
Allen makes use of John Gunn’s retelling of a traditional Laguna tale, “Sh-ah-cock and Miochin or the Battle of the Seasons” to express her point. The tale, when seen through a Euro-centric gaze as Gunn had written, focuses more on the narrative and plot of the story. But in actuality, Allen explains how the purpose of that story is in fact a, “narrative version of a ritual” (2) that, “brings about the change of season.” (2) Allen repeatedly enforces the importance of “rituals” amongst the Native tribes and its connection to the balance and harmony of the world. She demonstrates this by comparing Gunn’s retold story to how a Laguna would have read the tale; with more emphasis on the importance of harmony and, “female Power” (5) within rituals, instead of just the battle between two forces for the “prize” of a woman. Rather than simple narrative stories, Allen provides readers with an insight to a women’s true role in the
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