Longfellow Comparison

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Every piece of writing has a meaning behind it. Whether it's a song, a poem or any other form of text, everything can be neutralized into a central idea/focus. Certain texts share the same theme, which leaves the reader with an endless amounts of interpretations to their liking. That’s why most people can find similarities in variant texts. As a prime example, The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost , A Psalm Of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and “Too Much Love Will Kill You” by Queen all share the common theme of decisions and how they affect the outcome of one’s future. First, In The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, it has many lines that convey the theme in a consensual manner. One specific quote from the poem can clearly be dissected to find this general theme. The quote, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/And sorry I could not travel both” (Frost 1), clearly represents there is a choice to make as the character must choose a path to travel. It's interesting to note…show more content…
It's especially eminent in the stanza “ Life is real! Life is earnest!/ and the grave is not its goal/ dust thou art, to dust returnest/ was not spoken of the soul” ( Longfellow 2). Although, a decision making process is not alluded to in this passage, the part of the theme portrayed is future outcome. The commandant author of the poem expresses a need to live life to the fullest. He tells us what the goal isn't, but in fact the intent is to let the reader openly speculate what the best thing for them to do to make life earnest. By dusting thous art, is to leave a footmark on the world thus making a point that whatever choices one makes in their life, their decisions will be brought to the grave with them. Even though A Psalm of Life does not characterize the recurring theme directly, the song Too Much Love Will Kill You by Queen illuminates it in a symbolistic
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