Leonardo Da Vinci And Doria Research Paper

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Meredith Thomas Professor Eller History and Appreciation of Art II 2 December 2014 Leonardo da Vinci and Sir Peter Paul Rubens, two of the most prolific artists in history, are credited with creating remarkable works of art. This paper will discuss in detail two of their most recognizable and noteworthy pieces, Ginevra de’ Benci and Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria focusing on the similarities and differences between these two influential works. Ginevra de’ Benci and Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria are both visually stimulating and thought-provoking portraits. They are equally relevant in their historical significance and impact on the art world. Both Ginevra de’ Benci, painted by Leonardo da Vinci circa 1474, and Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria created by Sir Peter Paul Rubens in 1606, were each commissioned as wedding gifts, from the husband to the wife. Leonardo painted the likeness of an aristocratic young woman, Ginevra, (thought to be about 17 at the time of the sitting) who was married to prominent and wealthy Florentine businessman, Luigi Niccolini, a man twice her age. Ruben’s Marchesa, another wealthy Italian aristocratic, was about 22 at the time of her portrait, but she and her husband, Marquess Giacomo Massimiliano Doria, were much closer in age. Both portraits were…show more content…
The frame which displays Leonardo’s work is rather simplistic, while Ruben’s is quite extravagant. The portrait of Ginevra appears to be a lighter stained wood that shows signs of age. The wood frame almost matches the color of Ginevra dress, contrasting nicely against the darker background landscape colors. Marchesa’s frame is gold painted wood with sophisticated embellishments at the corners and middle of the frame. The frame compliments the portrait as both are imposing and

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