Legal Highs: A Case Study

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Health professionals are against the idea of using legal highs. Although legal highs are not the traditional, illicit drugs, they are believed to have immense risks and effects on our health physically and psychologically. Firstly, health specialists warn users of synthetic drugs that just because legal highs are in fact not illegal, it does not mean that they are not dangerous. They still contain the same, harmful chemical compound which has mood altering properties, mimicking that of the illegal drug. Moreover, most legal highs have not been tested enough in order for human consumption, therefore the side effects and reactions after taking the drug is unpredictable and poses a high risk for what the outcome will be. Figures in the past have represented most young…show more content…
According to Anderson (2014), synthetic cannabis are the cause of the countless hospitalised New Zealanders than any other drug and experts describe it as a “time bomb” which he believes will strain the public health system of New Zealand in future years. The Global Survey in 2012 showed results that admissions to hospital included more than a quarter of synthetic cannabis users and almost 4% of these people required urgent hospital treatment. “We are sitting on a time bomb with these…it’s not just the acute effects, it’s the long-term psychological effects” (Anderson, 2014). The physical side effects seen by hospitalised users of taking the synthetic drug were said to include anxiety, vomiting, chest pain, headache as well as even more serious cases such as seizures, heart attacks, psychosis and kidney failure. With relation to the lack information about the contents and effects of legal highs, the users are more at risk because without the knowledge of these various new drugs, health professionals will find it harder to provide an accurate assessment of the action of the drug to the
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