Leadership In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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There are certain traits that make a great leader. Those traits are evident in the character Ralph from William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies. The novel opens with school boys stranded on an island after their plane crashing. As they realize there is no adult or form of supervision on the island, the boys vie for the position of chief. Ralph, the protagonist, is elected over Jack, the novel’s antagonist, to lead the group of young boys. Ralph’s best traits that depict his superior leadership are his ability to prioritize, his ability to focus, and, unlike Jack, his selflessness. The organization of priorities is a fundamental trait that gives Ralph an edge over Jack. Ralph, as well as other leaders, demonstrate the ability to plan objectively with a clear basis of logic. “Extraordinary leaders plan ahead, and they are supremely organized” (Economy). Ralph has his specific objectives laid out in his mind and knows exactly what the island needs. Because of his clear targets, the island is prevented from going into a state of complete chaos. A steady idea of necessities allows the boys feel safer and…show more content…
Being a leader means effectively communicating and empathizing with others, something that Ralph is supremely capable of (Wills). He crashes on the island with the boys, therefore he knows exactly what they’re all going through. As a leader, he is able to adapt to their needs and learn from their experiences. Golding captures this in Ralph in Chapter Five when he writes, “Only decided Raph as he faced the chief’s seat, I can’t think. Not like Piggy” (78). Ralph is able to recognize the strengths of his peers while also taking notice of his own limitations. He is self-aware and willing to admit the good qualities of others and to use them to their full potential. All fine leaders, such as Ralph, possess aspects surrounding thought and compromise among their
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